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Southwest Little League

Serving the kids of West Seattle, South Park, and White Center since 1951

Good coaching is the number one factor when it comes to creating a positive player experience in any youth sport.  We encourage all of our volunteer coaches to utilize the resources provided here to gain knowledge and insight into coaching youth baseball and softball with the goal of creating the best possible experience for their players.

SWLL Coaching Notes

All coaches should download the free Little League Official Rulebook app and familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations.  The use of cell phones or other electronic devices in the dugout is permitted ONLY for checking rules and keeping score via GameChanger.

Weeknight field reservations at Steve Cox are limited to 5-7PM.  Pre-game warmups will need to happen off to the side if there is no available space prior to 5PM.  

Pre-Game- The home team is responsible for field prep and ensuring the bases and pitching rubber are properly located.


Managers will need a minimum of four copies of the lineup (scorekeeper, umpire, opposing manager, yourself).  Ensure that a copy of your lineup card is provided to the scorekeeper at least 15 minutes prior to the designated start time.  Lineups MUST include names, jersey numbers and the positions of your starting defense.  Ineligible pitchers (see pitching notes) should be noted with an “i” or asterisk.  Any player(s) who may be arriving late must be placed at the end of the batting order.

The home team is responsible for providing two new game balls and one decent alternate ball.

Have your players place all bats, helmets and catcher’s gear along the outside of the dugout approximately 15 minutes before first pitch for the umpire to examine.

The umpire will call for a plate meeting approximately 5 minutes prior to first pitch; all players should be in the dugouts at this time.  Bring the three remaining copies of your lineup card and give them to the umpire when asked.  The coach of the home team will be responsible for communicating any site-specific ground rules for the field (i.e. “the concrete walkway is out of play” or “a ball hitting that overhanging tree branch is in play”).

In-Game- All teams are allowed three coaches regardless of roster size.  At least one coach must be present in the dugout at all times.  This means that if you have fewer than three coaches you will need to use players as base coaches.  

Do your best to discourage communication between parents/spectators and your team during games.  Having additional coaches outside the dugout is not allowed.

Communicating with scorekeepers in-game must be done in the presence of the umpire, either between innings or upon being granted time out.  Utilizing any personnel outside of the dugout to assist you in any way is not allowed.   

If you have any questions for the umpire regarding a call or anything else during play, you must request and be granted time out BEFORE stepping out of the dugout.  Only the manager is permitted to address the umpire in these situations.  DO NOT argue balls/strikes or judgment calls (safe/out, check swing, etc); if there are multiple umpires on the field you are permitted to ask them to confer if you believe that an umpire who did not make the call may have had a better view of the play.

Only one batter may be outside the dugout at a time; the on deck batter must remain inside the dugout until it is their turn to bat (except Juniors).  Helmets are required for all offensive players outside of the dugout (batter, runners, base coaches, bat retrievers) at ALL TIMES. 

Have your players ready- by rule, between inning time is supposed to be limited to 60 seconds.  Communicate defensive substitutions to players prior to the start of the half-inning.  When possible, have your catcher in their gear and ready with two outs.  

Courtesy runners are allowed for pitchers and catchers when there are two outs (runners must be the player last put out).  

If your catcher is not ready you are permitted to have a coach warm up your pitcher.  

The on-deck and in-the-hole batters should have helmets on and be waiting.  The i-t-h batter should be responsible for retrieving bats when necessary.  

Be prepared to present your defensive substitutions to the umpire and scorekeeper prior to your team completing its offensive half-inning.

The three-tiered mercy rule is in effect for all levels:

• If after (3) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: four innings], two and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: three and one-half innings] if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after four (4) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: five innings], three and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: four and one-half innings], if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after five (5) innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: six innings], four and one-half innings [Intermediate (50-70) Division / Junior / Senior League: five and one-half innings], if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent.

• NOTE: (1) If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15), ten (10), or eight (8) runs or more respectively, the home team must bat in its half of the inning. (2) The local league may adopt the option of not utilizing this rule. A game determined by the 15-run rule, 10-run rule, or 8-run rule shall be considered a regulation game.

Managers of the home team are responsible for communicating limits on field time to umpires and opposing teams.  You must not start a new inning once you are within 15 minutes of the designated stopping time.  For example, weeknight games at Steve Cox fields 2 & 3 must be completed by 7 PM so you should not start a new inning after 6:45.

Playing Time- All teams will be using a continuous batting order, meaning all rostered players present will bat in the same order throughout the game.  In addition, all players must play a minimum of six defensive outs (9 for Juniors) unless the game is shortened (less than 6 innings, or less than 7 for Juniors) for any reason (mercy rule, time limit, weather, etc).  Failure to comply with these minimums could result in the opposing team protesting the outcome of the game and suspension of the manager.  

Any player(s) who do(es) not reach minimum playing time due to a shortened game shall start the following game and not be removed until they have played both the remainder of the last game’s minimum time in addition to the six defensive outs for the current game.

*NOTE:  Minimum playing time is just that, a minimum expectation.  SWLL strongly encourages managers to strive for equal playing time for all players.  While we understand the natural inclination to be as competitive as possible by giving the best players the most playing time, we believe that the Little League experience should be about inclusivity and having fun rather than winning at all costs.  We also believe that players improve more with every game played and teams will become more competitive as all of their players gain experience. 

Pitching (Baseball only)- Managers must familiarize themselves with Little League Baseball pitching rules as written in Regulation VI of the rulebook and strictly adhere to them.  This requires that managers know the league age (the age they will be on August 31st of the CURRENT year) of all pitchers and the daily pitch limit for each age group.  

Managers must also ensure that pitchers are provided the requisite number of “rest days” designated based on the number of pitches thrown.  One “rest day” is a full calendar day, for example a player who throws between 21 and 35 pitches on Monday is not eligible to pitch until Wednesday as they require one day of rest.  Throwing 36-50 pitches requires two days of rest, meaning they would not be eligible until Thursday.  

*NOTE:  When reaching any of these limits, the pitcher may complete the current at-bat without being considered to have exceeded the current threshold.

You are responsible for tracking the number of pitches your players throw.  If you need verification you may ask the home scorekeeper between innings or after being granted time out by the umpire.

Do not allow pitchers to throw curve balls, sliders, knucklers or other “junk” pitches!  Young players risk serious damage to their arms by attempting these pitches without very specific training regimens.  For advanced pitchers we recommend teaching 2-seam and 4-seam fastballs and a standard changeup. 

Catching (baseball only)- All catchers must be properly equipped with catcher’s mitt, helmet, mask w/dangling throat guard, chest protector, leg guards and athletic cup.  A player warming up a pitcher must at least wear the mask/helmet and catcher’s mitt.  

Any player who plays the position of catcher in parts or all of 4 innings is not eligible to pitch in that game.  If a player plays the position of catcher, then moves to pitcher and throws 21 or more pitches, they may not return to the catcher position in that game.

SWLL encourages managers to limit the time any one player plays the catcher position to 4 innings or 95 pitches per game to avoid arm strain/injury. 

Post-game- Once the game has ended both teams should huddle and give a cheer for their opponent.  Then teams should exchange handshakes/fives/fist bumps, thank the spectators and umpires, then quickly retrieve all gear from the dugout and vacate the field so the next teams can set up.  

Any meeting/coach’s speech should only happen after the dugout has been cleared. 

Managers should check the final pitch count for all players that pitched in the game and take note of the required rest days for each.  Be sure to record any player(s) who will not be eligible to pitch in your next game.

If there were any injuries be sure to email the incident report form(s) to the league.

Report any possible game protests or other issues that may have occurred to the league (ejections, fights, spectator/coach conduct, officiating problems, etc). 

Please complete Little League’s Diamond Leader program if you have not already done so.  As of 2023 this is required for all managers and coaches participating in tournament play. 


- Provide a home plate umpire (AA, AAA and Majors).
- Provide an official scorekeeper (AA, AAA and Majors).
- Provide two (2) new and one (1) good regulation game balls.

- Provide a base umpire (AA, AAA and Majors).
- Provide a qualified back-up scorekeeper (AA, AAA and Majors)

¨ Tee Ball games will be limited to 1.5 hours.
¨ Minors (A, AA & AAA) games will be limited to 2 hours.
¨ Majors, Juniors and Senior games have no time limit.
¨ No new innings will start after 1hr 20min for Tee Ball and 1hr 45 min for Minors. A new inning starts
when the last out of the previous inning is recorded.

FORFEITS/RESCHEDULES - For scheduled school functions that will result in less than 9 players being
present for a game, the manager must notify the opposing team's manager 7 days prior and attempt to reschedule.

OFFICIAL SCOREKEEPER - The official scorekeeper shall be the home team scorekeeper unless
otherwise agreed to between the managers prior to the start of the game. The official scorebook (GameChanger score) will
reflect players, substitutions, pitch counts and the outcome of the game.

BATTING HELMETS - Each team must provide (in their dugout) at least seven (7) regulation protective
batting helmets. For helmets with chin straps, the straps must be worn underneath the batter’s chin at all
times. Helmets may not be painted nor have decals applied to them.

PITCHING RECORDS - Before beginning a game, each Manager shall provide a complete status of the
eligibility of their pitchers to the opposing manager and official scorekeeper. This information shall appear
on the official game line-up sheet.

GUM CHEWING & FOOD - Chewing of gum, sunflower seeds or other food items during games or
practices is PROHIBITED. Liquids are allowed to replenish body fluids. No sodas are permitted.

CATCHER’S GEAR – With a batter in the batters’ box, all catchers in the squat position must be in full
catcher gear (including helmet, mask, throat protector, chest protector, leg protectors, cup, and catcher's
mitt). Warming up any pitcher (without a batter in the batters’ box and during infield practice), all catchers must wear a helmet,
mask, throat protector, cup and catcher’s mitt.

RAINOUTS - In the event of a rainout, the teams need not show up to declare a rainout. The home team
manager will contact the opposing manager and the schedule director to reschedule the game.

GAME BALLS - The home team shall provide two (2) new and one (1) good regulation baseball for
each game. Game balls shall be returned to the home team following the game.

BATS - All bats used in games and practices must meet current years Little League standards. The use
of dented bats is PROHIBITED.

EJECTIONS - All ejections are subject to review by the Executive Committee. Ejections require an
automatic suspension from the next played game in accordance with Little League Rule 4.07. Penalties
can range from verbal warning to permanent suspension.

PITCHING VIOLATIONS - All pitching violations are subject to review by the Executive Committee.
Penalties can range from verbal warning to permanent suspension.

BATTING ORDER – All players on a baseball team roster present for the game will bat in a continuous order in all divisions of play.

FIELD PREPARATION AND RESTORATION—The HOME team is responsible for the set-up of the field
and the VISITOR team shall be responsible for break-down of the field. For interleague games, the
HOME team is responsible for both. Both teams are responsible for their own cleanup of their cheering
fans and dug-out area.


AGES - Ages 9 thru 12 are eligible to play at the Majors level.

PLAYER REPLACEMENTS - All player replacements are subject to Little League guidelines and the
approval of the Player Agent and the Board of Directors.

8-Run/10-RUN/15-RUN LEAD RULE - If a team is leading its opponent by at least 8 runs after five(5)
complete innings (4 ½ if home), 10 runs after four (4) complete innings (3 1/2, if the Home team is
leading), 15 runs after (3) completed innings (2 ½ if Home team is leading) the game may be terminated
and the team with the lead declared the winner. See Rule 4.10(e)

SLIDING - Head first sliding is permitted only if runner is returning to a base.

BATTING ORDER - The batting order shall consist of all eligible team members. Each player must
come to bat before the first batter bats a second time. Players arriving late must be added to the
bottom of the batting order, and shall take that turn without otherwise disrupting the lineup.

NO TIME LIMIT – Unless time restrictions don’t allow for field rental past certain time.


PITCHING REGULATIONS - 12-year olds may not pitch in the Minor League Level.

COACHING BOXES - Adult manager/coaches are allowed in the coaching box provided that one adult
coach or manager must be in the dugout at all times. Players are encouraged to be base coaches.
Players must wear a batter’s helmet while in the coach’s box.

8-Run/10-RUN/15-RUN LEAD RULE - If a team is leading its opponent by at least 8 runs after five(5)
complete innings (4 ½ if home), 10 runs after four (4) complete innings (3 1/2, if the Home team is
leading), 15 runs after (3) completed innings (2 ½ if Home team is leading) the game may be terminated
and the team with the lead declared the winner. See Rule 4.10(e)

BATTING ORDER - The batting order shall consist of all eligible team members. Each player must
come to bat before the first batter bats a second time. Players arriving late must be added to the
bottom of the batting order, and shall take that turn without otherwise disrupting the lineup.

SUBSTITUTIONS - A Manager may substitute defensively at will, as long as all players play at least six
defensive consecutive outs in the field. If the player does not, he/she must start the next game.

PROTESTS - Protest will not be allowed at the Minor League level. Violations of Little League and/or
SWLL Rules shall be reported to the Coaching Coordinator for resolution. Incidents/Rule violations that cannot
be resolved by the Coaching Coordinator will be referred to the Executive Board. All protest and rule violations
situations should be resolved on the field of play by the Umpires and/or Managers.

SLIDING - Head first sliding is permitted only if runner is returning to a base.

UNCAUGHT THIRD STRIKE —Rule 6.05 (b) - All Minors level: A third strike whether caught or not by the
catcher results in the batter being out.


AGES - League age 8 thru 11 may play at the AAA level in accordance with Little League
regulations. 12 year olds may play under special review and ONLY with District Approval.

PITCHING LIMITATION – 12 year olds may not pitch in “AAA” level.

TIME BETWEEN INNINGS - Teams must exchange positions on the field within one (1) minute or eight
(8) pitches after the third out has been recorded.

GAME TIME LIMITS – There shall be a two (2) hour time limit. No new inning shall begin after one
hour and 45 minutes from the start of the game. A new inning starts when the last out of the previous
inning is recorded.

5-RUN LIMITATION – If five (5) runs are scored by a team during their turn at bat prior to the third out in
any inning, the batting team shall return to the field and the opposing team shall come to bat. No more
than five (5) runs may be scored by a team in any single inning. This limit does not apply to the last
inning or sixth inning. Teams must declare “last inning” before start of inning.


AGES: League age 7 thru 11 may play at the AA level in accordance with Little League regulations.

PITCHING LIMITATIONS – 11 year olds may not pitch at the “AA” Level, unless board approved.

GAME TIME LIMITS – There shall be a two (2) hour time limit. No new inning shall begin after one
hour and 45 minutes from the start of the game. A new inning starts when the last out of the previous
inning is recorded.

INFIELD FLY RULE - The Infield Fly Rule - does not apply at the AA level.

5-RUN LIMITATION – If five (5) runs are scored by a team during their turn at bat prior to the third out in
any inning, the batting team shall return to the field and the opposing team shall come to bat. No more
than five (5) runs may be scored by a team in any single inning.

TIME BETWEEN INNINGS - Teams must exchange positions on the field within two (2) minutes or eight
(8) pitches after the third out has been recorded.

OVERTHROWS / BASE STEALING - The base runner is allowed to advance one (1) base per pitch or
(1) overthrow per play. A passed ball by the catcher is considered an overthrown ball. Runners may not
steal home on passed ball. Runners may advance to home on overthrow by catcher to any base. No
advancing on overthrow from catcher to pitcher.


PERMITTED AGES: League age 6 - 8 may play at the A-Ball level  (8 year olds allowed only if no previous organized baseball experience
or board approved)

(a) To speed up play at the "A" level, a manager or coach shall pitch overhand to their own Team and
within the first 5’ of the “pitcher’s half circle.” A player on the team roster will field the pitcher's position,
taking all throws from fielders and taking all return throws from the catcher. This player will be in all
respects the Pitcher, with the exception of actually pitching the ball. The player/pitcher must stay behind
the pitcher's rubber and to the left or the right of the adult pitcher until the ball reaches the plate or the
batter.  The adult pitcher shall not, while on the field, coach or interfere with play in any way, and shall be
considered "part of the field". Any intentional interference by the adult pitcher will result in the batter or
runner(s) affected being called out.
(b) A total of seven (7) pitches will be thrown. If the ball is hit foul on the seventh pitch, additional pitches
will be thrown until the ball is hit in fair territory, not swung at, or called a strike. The goal of the “A” Ball
Level is for batter to hit ball and fielders to field ball
(c) A pitched ball is dead unless it is hit by the batter.

GAME TIME LIMITS – There shall be a two (2) hour time limit. No new inning shall begin after one hour
and 45 minutes from the start of the game.

BASE ON BALLS - Bases on balls are not allowed at the "A" level.

HIT BY PITCHED BALL - No bases are awarded to a batter if hit by a pitched ball.

BASE STEALING - Base stealing is not allowed at the "A" level.

OVERTHROWS – The base runner is allowed to advance one (1) base per overthrow - one (1)
overthrow per play.

INFIELD FLY – The Infield Fly rule does not apply at the "A" level.

BASE COACHES – ONLY the Manager, Coach or Approved Volunteer is allowed to base coach at
the “A” Ball level.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN THE FIELD - Both teams shall play ten (10) players at a time in the field,
provided that both teams have at least ten eligible players. The tenth player must be an extra outfielder.
In the event that one or both teams have only nine (9) eligible players at the start of the game, the game
shall be played in its entirety with only nine players per side in the field.

1. Use of foul language
2. Throwing of bats or helmets
3. Verbal or physical abuse of any participant 4. Any other flagrant
display of temper
5. Deliberate distractions towards either team
Violation of any of the above prohibited acts may result in a warning, ejection and removal from the field
and surrounding area. Any ejection will be reviewed by a Board of Director’s appointed Executive
The Little League coach must be a leader. All coaches must recognize that they hold a /position of trust
and responsibility in a program that deals with a sensitive and formative period of a youngster's
development. The coach must have understanding, patience and the capacity to work with youngsters.
The coach should be able to inspire respect. Above all else, coaches must realize that they are helping to
shape the physical, mental and emotional development of young people.
Youth of Little League age are strongly influenced by adults whose ideals and aspirations are similar to
their own. The coach and player share a common interest in the game, a desire to excel, and
determination to win. Youngsters often idolize their coaches, not because the adult is the most successful coach, but because the adult is a
source of inspiration. Coaches must be adults who are sensitive to the mental and physical limitations of
children of Little League age and who recognize that the game is a vehicle of training and development,
not an end in itself.

-Know, understand and abide by all playing rules as established by Little League Baseball
and SWLL.
- Be a good role model.
- Encourage good sportsmanship.
-Communicate with parents about team and league expectations.
- Maintain uniform standards as established by Little League Baseball and SWLL. Insure
that uniforms are worn only to scheduled games, the SWLL jamboree and on picture
day. Uniforms shall not be worn to practices or practice games.

- Keep the scorebook (GameChanger scoring) accurate and up to date.
- Keep accurate pitching records (refer to Reg. VI in the official Little League rule book).
- Promote safety at all practices and games.
- Promptly return all SWLL equipment, uniforms, banners and keys at the end of the
season (or upon request).
- Adhere to the Coaches Code of Conduct.

Contact Us

Southwest Little League (D7, Seattle, WA)

551 S Concord St 
Seattle, Washington 98108

Phone: 206-317-4549
Email: [email protected]

Southwest Little League (D7, Seattle, WA)

551 S Concord St 
Seattle, Washington 98108

Phone: 206-317-4549
Email: [email protected]
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